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Une journée mémorable pour les ASS1 et CG1 au British and Irish Film Festival

Publié le mardi 1 octobre 2024

Les élèves lors de leur sortie au British and Irish Film Festival, découvrant les films "The Old Oak".

Une immersion cinématographique captivante pour nos étudiants !

On Monday 23rd of September, we went to the British and Irish Film Festival to watch two different movies. The first one directed by Ken Loach ‘The Old Oak’ was about refugees from Syria who immigrated to Esington, a small village known for its history of coal mining in the north east of England. Most of the villagers did not like the idea of having foreigners in their village. During the movie, we mostly follow the story of Yara, one of the refugees. With the help of the village’s bartender, named TJ Ballantyne, she tries to bring together the refugees and the locals by planning lunch three days a week where everyone in the village can come and have lunch for free. At the end of the movie, the village ends up being unified, except for a couple of villagers.

Rafaël : «  During the movie I felt like a proud father when I saw the evolution of the villagers’ mindset after they almost all accepted the refugees as their neighbours. We really enjoyed this movie. Thank you for this amazing day Mrs Etienne »

« At the end, Yara’s father’s death summarizes a global feeling of sadness which accompanied us all along the movie even if it was coupled with a great feeling of happiness like when they shared food between each other or else when the villagers came to visit Yara’s family and offered them their condolences »

Jules : « We liked this film because the subject matter was profound, it taught us values and proved us that we must all be there for others »

Ludivine : « In the afternoon, the second film ‘ The Trouble with Jessica’ was much more ironic and fanciful wih a group of friends from a wealthy social class. We found it captivating, quirky and in keeping with the British comedy. It was a pleasant day by the sea »

Clara : « The Trouble with Jessica’ movie made us all laugh a lot. We enjoyed the humoristic approach of the film and the action the director has put in it. What we loved the most was when the future owner of the house came to visit and the group of friends stressed over hiding their friend’s corpse »